Facilitators and barriers for providing classroom-based physical activity to students in the early years of primary school: A pilot survey

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Aim: To explore the perceived facilitators and barriers for providing classroom-based physical activity to students in the early years of primary school
Design: Cross-sectional online survey
Methods: A 45-item online survey was conducted with classroom teachers and school principals currently working with students in Prep/Kindergarten to Year 2 in Australia. A socio-ecological approach was used to investigate the multiple factors that may influence the ability of teachers to provide physical activity
opportunities to students in the classroom. Content analysis was used to identify common themes in openended responses.
Results: Thirty of 60 primary school staff completed the survey. Main barriers for providing classroom-based physical activity included: organisation-level factors (e.g. time pressures due to an overcrowded curriculum), limited professional development opportunities, and limited resources on classroom-based physical activity. Proposed facilitators included: creating a supportive school climate towards physical activity, including the implementation of school physical activity policies, and staff professional development opportunities regarding effective strategies to implement classroom-based physical activity.
Conclusion: Insufficient time, limited professional development opportunities and access to resources are the main barriers to providing classroom-based physical activity to students. However, the primary facilitator includes having school administration support for children’s physical activity promotion at an
organisational level.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 17 Oct 2019
EventTRANSFORM 2019 Physiotherapy Conference - Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia
Duration: 17 Oct 201919 Oct 2019
https://transform.physio/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Abstract_Book_Adelaide_2019.pdf (Book of Abstracts)


ConferenceTRANSFORM 2019 Physiotherapy Conference
Abbreviated titleAPA
Internet address


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