Exploring the Landscape of Gamification in Higher Education: A Systematic Mapping Study

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The concept of gamification is attracting significant attention and implementation in several industries. However, its use in higher education is still in its early phases. The use of game design aspects in non-game situations, sometimes called gamification, has emerged as a prominent trend in boosting learning experiences. This systematic mapping study investigates the utilisation of gamification in non-game contexts, specifically within higher education. By analysing peer-reviewed articles published between 2018 and 2022, the study explores various aspects, including the application of gamification, the variables under investigation, the game design elements employed, and the platforms utilised for implementation. This study focuses on the examination of the academic implications of incorporating game design components. It aims to identify and analyse this field's current patterns and future directions. The findings indicate that gamification is widely seen within Computer Science/Information Technology and Business domains. Majorly analysed variables include motivation, academic performance, and engagement. The research also highlights the increased use of gamification in online courses throughout the pandemic, emphasising its potential to enhance remote education experiences. Notably, platforms like Kahoot! have regularly shown favourable results in this area. This study comprehensively examines the current state and possibilities of gamification in higher education environments.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages18
Publication statusPublished - 13 Feb 2024
EventThe 15th Asian Conference on Education: ACR2023 - Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan
Duration: 22 Nov 202325 Nov 2023
https://ace.iafor.org/ (Conference website)


ConferenceThe 15th Asian Conference on Education
OtherIAFOR's unique global platform facilitates discussion around specific subject areas, with the goal of generating new knowledge and understanding, forging and expanding new international, intercultural and interdisciplinary research networks and partnerships. We have no doubt that ACE2024 will offer a remarkable opportunity for the sharing of research and best practice and for the meeting of people and ideas.
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