Exploring the Influence of Age as a Mediator in Gender Disparities: Personality Traits, Emotional Intelligence, and MMI

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This study investigates the mediating role of age in gender differences across personality traits, emotional intelligence, and performance in Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs), specifically within the context of medical education admissions. Personality traits, emotional intelligence, and MMI outcomes play critical roles in identifying prospective medical students who possess the necessary attributes for success in the medical field. Our dataset comprises approximately 800 individuals who are prospective students at Bond University's medical program for the year 2024. Notably, Bond Medical School embraces both undergraduate and postgraduate applicants to its medicine program, making it an ideal setting for examining these dynamics.

The study will primarily analyse scores obtained from the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT), the NEO Big Five Personality Inventory, and MMI evaluations. By employing Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) and Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) techniques, with age as a covariate, we aim to elucidate the nuanced relationships between gender, age, and these critical admission criteria.
Data collection is ongoing and anticipated to be complete by mid-March 2024, providing a comprehensive snapshot of the cohort. Our findings hold the potential to offer valuable insights into the intricate interplay of gender, age, and key attributes required for medical education success. Furthermore, understanding the mediating influence of age on gender disparities in these domains could inform more equitable and effective admission practices in medical education.

This research contributes to the broader discourse on gender disparities in educational contexts and offers practical implications for optimizing medical admissions processes to foster diversity and inclusivity in the healthcare workforce.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2024
EventANZAHPE Conference 2024 - Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia
Duration: 1 Jul 20244 Jul 2024
https://eventstudio.eventsair.com/anzahpe-2024/ (Conference website)


ConferenceANZAHPE Conference 2024
OtherThe conference will begin on Monday 1st July with pre-conference workshops and an evening welcome and networking event. Tuesday 2nd to Thursday 4th July, the conference will be full swing with thought-provoking keynote speaker presentations, inspiring oral presentations, absorbing poster presentations, and cutting-edge conversations in the Jewel in the Crown of ANZAHPE: PeArLS (Personally Arranged Learning Session).
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