Exploring and validating the internal dimensions of occupational stress: evidence from construction cost estimators in China

Bo Xiong*, Martin Skitmore, Bo Xia

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A recurring feature of modern practice is occupational stress of project professionals, with debilitating effects on the people concerned and indirectly affecting project success. Previous research outside the construction industry has involved the use of a psychology perceived stress questionnaire (PSQ) to measure occupational stress, resulting in the identification of one stressor, demand, and three sub-dimensional emotional reactions in terms of worry, tension and joy. The PSQ is translated into Chinese with a back translation technique and used in a survey of young construction cost professionals in China. Principal component analysis and confirmatory factor analysis are used to test the divisibility of occupational stress, little mentioned in previous research on stress in the construction context. In addition, structural equation modelling is used to assess nomological validity by testing the effects of the three dimensions on organizational commitment, the main finding of which is that lack of joy has the sole significant effect. The three-dimensional measurement framework facilitates the standardizing measurement of occupational stress. Further research will establish whether the findings are also applicable in other settings and explore the relations between stress dimensions and other managerial concepts.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)495-507
Number of pages13
JournalConstruction Management and Economics
Issue number5-6
Publication statusPublished - 3 Jun 2015
Externally publishedYes


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