Experience in writing an ethics application for conducting communication research with Aboriginal people in remote communities of the far north Kimberly

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentationResearch


This paper presents the author's experience in preparing an ethics application for conducting communication research with Aboriginal people in Kununurra, Oombulgurri, and Kalumburu in the north Kimberley. It is worth reviewing this application since it required the author to follow the Guidelines for Ethical Research in Indigenous Studies (2000), which explains how Aboriginal needs and values must be incorporated into any research project that involves them. The application also required special discussion on how the researcher would handle the participants' identities, how permission would be sought from Kimberley communities to gain access to the participants, the offering of inducements to encourage participation, and safety issues. The application is currently being used by the author's university as a model of how to write a qualitative research application.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 9 Jul 2009
EventAustralian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference : Communication, creativity and global citizenship - Brisbane, Australia
Duration: 8 Jul 200910 Jul 2009


ConferenceAustralian and New Zealand Communication Association Conference
Abbreviated titleANZCA09
Internet address


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