Excitatory amino acid transporter 5 is widely expressed in peripheral tissues

A. Lee*, A. R. Anderson, M. G. Stevens, S. Beasley, N. L. Barnett, D. V. Pow

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It is routinely stated in the literature that Excitatory Amino Acid Transporter 5 (EAAT5) is a retina-specific glutamate transporter. EAAT5 is expressed by retinal photoreceptors and bipolar cells, where it serves as a slow transporter and as an inhibitory glutamate receptor, the latter role is due to the gating of a large chloride conductance. The dogma of an exclusively retinal distribution has arisen because Northern blot analyses have previously shown only modest hybridisation in non-retinal tissues. Others have re-interpreted this as indicating that EAAT5 was only present in retinal tissues. However, this view appears to be erroneous; recent evidence demonstrating abundant expression of EAAT5 in rat testis prompted us to re-examine this dogma. A new anti- body was developed to an intracellular loop region of rat EAAT5. This new tool, in concert with RT-PCR and sequencing, demonstrated that EAAT5 is widely distributed at the mRNA and protein levels in many non-nervous tissues including liver, kidney, intestine, heart, lung, and skeletal muscle. We conclude that EAAT5 is a widely distributed protein. Whether it functions in all locations as a glutamate transporter, or mainly as a glutamate-gated chloride conductance, remains to be determined.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)66-71
Number of pages6
JournalEuropean Journal of Histochemistry
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2013
Externally publishedYes


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