Episode 5: Stuart Murray on Sports Diplomacy

Stuart Murray (Interviewee), Ilen Madhavji (Interviewer)

Research output: Non-textual formDigital or Visual ProductsResearch


For our fifth episode, we welcome Dr. Stuart Murray who speaks with us about the quickly evolving field of Sports Diplomacy. In many ways, this episode is a check-up since the 2013 Special Issue of The Hague Journal of Diplomacy that Stuart guest edited.

Our host, Ilen Madhavji, explores some historical cases with Stuart, like the 1936 Berlin Olympics and Colin Kaepernick's protest, in order to illustrate the impact that sports can have on social and political movements. Also, how sports can be co-opted by states and used as a diplomatic medium to convey messages to other states is unpacked.

This is a podcast created by The Hague Journal of Diplomacy: www.haguejournalofdiplomacy.org
Original languageEnglish
PublisherThe Hague Diplomacy Podcast
Media of outputOnline
Size39:19 min
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2020


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