Enhancing interactivity within multimodal physiology classes: Student perceptions of Kahoot! quizzing between online and face-to-face sessions

Christian Moro*, Charlotte Phelps

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractResearchpeer-review


Recently, many tertiary institutions have been rethinking the way courses are presented to students. This has resulted in subjects, previously taught as face-to-face, moving to a blended or multimodal delivery. This has placed various challenges on tertiary educators who have needed to rapidly seek learning activities that can remain effective, regardless of whether students are attending in-person or online. One such method, interactive quizzing, is a tool that could facilitate this requirement. This study aimed to compare learner perceptions of the interactive quizzing platform Kahoot! when used in either a face-to-face or online setting within a health sciences and medical course.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 12 Jul 2021
EventPhysiology 2021 - Online
Duration: 12 Jul 202116 Jul 2021


ConferencePhysiology 2021


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