EndoscopIc Sleeve Gastroplasty Efficacy (ENvISaGE) Study: Characteristics of ESG and matched LSG patients from the first Queensland ESG clinic

Skye Marshall, Felicity Cohen, Graeme Rich, Asha Soni, Elisabeth Isenring

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Background: The endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG), new to Australia, is a minimally invasive procedure designed to mimic some of the effects of the laparoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (LSG). The prospective observational ENvISaGE study follows ESG and matched LSG patients of the first ESG clinic in Queensland, Australia, to determine the procedural safety, change in body composition, comorbidity risk factors, and quality of life in obese adults.
Objectives: To report the baseline characteristics of patients recruited to the ENvISaGE study.
Methods: Body composition was measured by DXA, quality of life by Impact of weight on Quality of Life Assessment Tool, gastrointestinal symptoms by Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale. Blood pressure, lipid profile, liver enzymes, and glycaemia was also measured. Adverse events were recorded.
Results: 12 LSG patients were matched for age, gender, and BMI against 12 ESG patients recruited in the first 6-months (mean 41.3 years, 75% female, mean BMI 37.3kg/m2). Both cohorts had substantially higher gastrointestinal symptoms and worse weight-related quality of life than population norms. LSG patients had higher HbA1c (34.0 vs 27.3mmol/mol; p=0.025), back or joint pain (6 vs 2 patients; p=0.058), and worse weight-related sexual life (12.9 vs 9.7 score; p=0.070) than ESG patients at baseline. No serious adverse events were recorded. One ESG participant had a suspected mild allergic skin reaction to routine post-procedure antibiotics.
Conclusion: The ESG appears safe for the treatment of obesity. Patients electing the ESG have similar characteristics as patients electing to undergo the LSG; however, may have fewer comorbidities.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberPO-161
Pages (from-to)564
JournalObesity Surgery
Issue numberS5
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2019
Event24th International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders World Congress - Madrid, Spain
Duration: 3 Sept 20197 Sept 2019
Conference number: 24th


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