Ending E-Health Doubts

Kieran Le Plastrier

Research output: Contribution to journalOnline ResourceProfessional


Most clinicians are aware of the nature and variability of the quality of sources and protocols used to generate insight into new aspects of health care. We are encouraged as part of our continuing professional development to acquire and maintain the skills, knowledge and attitudes that allow us to form critically defensible rationale for our choices in the care of our patients.

It is likely that these skills, knowledge and attitudes are reflected in the medical profession’s suspicion of the personally controlled electronic health record (PCEHR), even though mainstream and medical media have been, on the whole, cautiously supportive of the PCEHR.
Original languageEnglish
JournalMJA InSight
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 29 Jan 2013
Externally publishedYes


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