Electromagnetic articulography assessment of tongue function in non-dysarthric speakers with Parkinson’s disease

M. N. Wong, Bruce E. Murdoch, Brooke-Mai Whelan, J. Bailey, L. Goozee

Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting AbstractResearchpeer-review


Objective: The present study investigated lingual kinematics in a group of seven participants diagnosed with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (PD) using the electromagnetic articulography (AG-200 EMA Carstens). Background: Articulatory imprecision in PD has been attributed to reduced range of movement, rigidity and abnormal speed of movement of the articulatory structures. Most of the previous studies provided acoustic and kinematic evidence of lip muscle rigidity, reduced amplitude and velocity of lip and jaw movement. Although reduced tongue strength in PD has been reported, to date very limited studies have documented the effects of PD on lingual kinematics. Methods: Seven participants with idiopathic PD were rated as non-dsysarthic on the basis of a perceptual assessment. A group of seven age and sex matched non-neurologically impaired participants served as controls participants. While fitted with the EMA system, each participant was required to read aloud one sentence loaded with alveolar consonants, /t/, to examine movement of the tongue tip and one sentence loaded with velar consonants, /k/, to examine movement of the tongue back. Three repetitions of each sentence by each participant were analyzed. Results: There was no difference between the PD and control groups on the distance of tongue movement during either the approach or release phases of either alveolar or velar consonants. However, the PD did showed significant reduced acceleration (p<.05) and deceleration (p<.01) of the tongue movement during the approach phase of alveolar consonant production. Duration of tongue movement was also significantly longer for the PD group than controls during production of both alveolar (p<.01) and velar (p<.01) consonants. Conclusions: Findings suggest ‘‘articulatory undershoot’’ may be the cause of articulatory impairment in PD. The implications of the presence of subclinical changes in lingual kinematics for the management of persons with PD are discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S345-S345
Number of pages1
JournalMovement Disorders
Issue numberS1
Publication statusPublished - 27 May 2009
Externally publishedYes
EventMDS 13th International Congress: The Movement Disorder Society’s 13th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorder - Paris, France
Duration: 7 Jun 200911 Jun 2009
Conference number: 13th


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