Divergence or congruence? A path model of rework for building and civil engineering projects

Peter E D Love, David J. Edwards, Jim Smith, Derek H T Walker

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68 Citations (Scopus)


Rework has been identified as a major contributor to cost and schedule overrun in construction projects. Previous studies that have examined rework are based on a limited data sets and thus eschew generalizations being made about the key determinants. Using data from 260 completed building (n=147) and civil engineering (n=113) projects, path analysis is used to develop a structural model of the most significant causes of rework. The model revealed that the paths of client-directed changes, site management and subcontractors, and project communication were statistically significant contributors to rework costs. The analysis confirmed that the lack of attention to quality management resulted in higher rework costs being incurred in the projects sampled. The analysis also revealed that there were no significant differences between building and civil engineering projects in terms of the direct and indirect cost of rework experienced, and the effectiveness of the project management practices implemented. Considering the findings, it is suggested that generic strategies for reducing the incidence rework in construction and civil engineering projects can be developed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)480-488
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Performance of Constructed Facilities
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2009


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