Dispersed leadership power and change: An empirical study using a critical management framework

Raymond D Gordon

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Using a critical management framework I provide a genealogical account of a police organization’sattempt to implement what senior officers in its behavioural change division described as a dispersedleadership (Bryman, 1996; Gordon, 2002) strategy. I describe the organization and provide a detailedaccount of the dynamics that emerge as groups and individuals who historically held positions of powerfound themselves reporting to one of many designated leaders. The account depicts how the organization’sdispersion of leadership, while on the surface represents a new and successful endeavour, is renderedproblematic by the organization’s historical constitution of pow
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - 2008
EventAustralia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference: Marketing: shifting the focus from mainstream to offbeat - The University of Auckland, Sydney, Australia
Duration: 1 Dec 20083 Dec 2008
Conference number: 22nd


ConferenceAustralia and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference
Abbreviated titleANZAM


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