Digital Saviour ... Or Just Another Problem to Deal With : A Discourse Analysis of the Conflicting Narratives Regarding the Implications of Generative AI for the Teaching of Law

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In recent months, much has been written and spoken about the current and potential influence of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) on legal practice, on higher education, and on legal education. The sentiments expressed in these narratives have varied from pessimistic and alarmist to ambivalent and nonchalant, to excessively optimistic and even utopian. Some claim that GAI’s capabilities are woefully exaggerated, others claim it is ‘becoming like a God’. Some claim it will accelerate human development, others claim that it is so tainted by privacy, IP, human rights and sustainability problems it should be slowed down if not derailed entirely. Some claim it is creating insurmountable challenges relating to academic integrity, others claim it is providing ways to radically enhance student learning. Some portray it as a long-awaited saviour and a solution to all our workload problems, others say it is making our lives as law teachers miserable. This diversity of sentiments has made it challenging for legal educators to develop their own opinion on the probable impact of GAI, and formulate their own strategic response. This article aims to make sense of these contrasting narratives not by striving to settle on a single truth about GAI and legal education but by analysing them within the framework of discourse analysis. This framework identifies the emerging dominant discourses, and tentatively predicts how these discourses might evolve in the coming months.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 20 Nov 2023
EventLegal Education Research Conference 2023: Situated Learning: Climate Change, First Nations Recognition, Generative AI #LERC2023 - UNSW, Sydney, Australia
Duration: 20 Nov 202321 Nov 2023 (Conference website)


ConferenceLegal Education Research Conference 2023: Situated Learning: Climate Change, First Nations Recognition, Generative AI #LERC2023
OtherThe field of legal education is evolving, and a significant shift has taken place towards more experiential and practical learning approaches. Situated learning, a powerful pedagogical framework, emphasizes the importance of context and authentic experiences in fostering deep understanding and skill development. It is critical for legal educators and researchers to explore the theory, practice, and implications of situated learning in legal education to enhance the effectiveness of teaching and learning methods.
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