Development of a market-oriented EFQM excellence model for analyzing the implementation of quality management in developing countries

Jingxiao Zhang*, Hui Li, Bo Xia, Martin Skitmore, Si Pu, Quanxue Deng, Weixing Jin

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The European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Excellence Model is popular to measure service quality. However, to determine the enablers of EFQM's current implementation level across the construction industry, it should be adjusted for different development demands and interests to be useful in different environments. This study used the judgment sampling method to distribute 1250 questionnaires containing the EFQM results and DECMOR scale. The average score methods and the entropy weight method were used to analyze the collected data. This article presents the Market Oriented EFQM (MOEFQM) model, that combines the Developing Country Market Orientation (DECMOR) scale and Growth Management Model (GMM) and the EFQM model to analyze the overall implementation level of market-oriented quality management in the construction industries of developing countries. The model is demonstrated in a case study of 120 construction firms in Xi’an, Beijing and Shanghai, China, concluding that the current market-oriented growth of the firms is still in the second phase of quality management and identifying the main influencing factors that need to be prioritized in embarking on the next phase of development. The framework has the potential for analyzing the main factors influencing general growth in quality management in other industries and localities.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)884-909
Number of pages26
JournalInternational Journal of Construction Management
Issue number9
Early online date5 Apr 2019
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Externally publishedYes


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