Destructive Leadership

Ben Shaw, Anthony Erickson, Michael Harvey

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearch

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Our research, based on factor and cluster analyses of 127 questions answered by a combined sample of 1165 respondents from around the world, suggests that there are a variety of ways for leaders to be harmful to the people they supervise and the organisations to which they belong. Seven “types” of destructive leaders based on cluster analyses of factor scores are described in the panels to the right. Destructive leadership lowers productivity and financial performance. It makes employees angry, lowers their self-esteem and causes them to engage in more “political” behaviour.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2012
EventResearch Week 2012 - Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia
Duration: 4 Sept 20127 Sept 2012


ConferenceResearch Week 2012
CityGold Coast


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