Delineation of a novel dendritic-like subset in human spleen

Sawang Petvises, Dipti Talaulikar, Helen C O'Neill

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8 Citations (Scopus)


Dendritic cells (DCs) and monocyte subpopulations present in the human spleen were analyzed by flow cytometry in an attempt to identify the presence of a novel dendritic-like cell subset described previously in mice and named L-DCs. In this study, an equivalent of this novel murine subset was characterized in the human spleen, thus increasing our knowledge of the antigen-presenting cell types present in the human spleen. Human L-DCs were identified as a hCD11c(+)hCD11b(+)HLA-DR(-)hCD86(+) subset in the spleen, along with the previously described subsets of hCD1c(+) DCs, hCD123(+) plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs), hCD16(+) DCs and hCD141(+) DCs. Three subsets of monocytes were also characterized. DC and monocyte subsets in human spleen had phenotypes similar to those of subsets in human blood. In line with murine studies, the presence of L-DC progenitors within the spleen was also investigated. When human splenocytes depleted of T and B cells were cocultured with the murine stromal line 5G3, hematopoiesis ensued and hCD11c(+)HLA-DR(+) and hCD11c(+)HLA-DR(-) cells were produced. The latter resemble L-DCs, which are also produced in murine spleen cocultures. Both subsets expressed hCD80 and hCD86, which identifies them as antigen-presenting cells, particularly DCs, and were highly endocytic. It is noteworthy that murine splenic stroma can serve as a support matrix for human hematopoiesis and DC production. These results support the hypothesis that 5G3 must express both cell-associated and soluble factors that can signal hematopoiesis in human and murine progenitors.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)443-450
Number of pages8
JournalCellular and Molecular Immunology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2016


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