Crowdsourcing an Australian cyber intelligence and information militia

Research output: Working paperDiscussion paperResearch

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Australia’s cyber environment is under constant attack. The threats are multifaceted and growing. Beyond the well-known cybercrime and cybersecurity challenges, we face a barrage of online mis- and dis-information aimed at undermining our social cohesion. Despite increased emphasis on the cyber domain, our existing public and private capacity is likely insufficient to counter the full range of threats we face in cyberspace. Against this background, Australia must adopt a whole-of-society approach to the defence of the cyber
environment. This discussion paper seeks to canvass options for an Australian ‘cyber intelligence and information militia’; that is, a ‘crowdsourced’ civilian volunteer cyber reserve capability fit to engage in open-source intelligence (OSINT) and information warfare. Such a resource could play an important role in supplementing existing or developing capabilities.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherSocial Cyber Institute
Number of pages20
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2024

Publication series

NameSocial Cyber Institute Papers

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