Cross-cultural differences in personality, motivation and cognition in Asian vs. Western societies

Gregory J. Boyle*, Nongkran Wongsri, Mark Bahr, Jonathan V. Macayan, Peter M. Bentler

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The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHQ), Goal Orientation Questionnaire (GOQ), Revised Study Process Questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F), and Academic Volitional Strategy Inventory (AVSI) plus a brief demographics questionnaire were administered to 395 Thai, and 313 Australian undergraduate students to investigate cross-cultural differences in personality, motivation, learning styles and academic achievement (measured via GPAs). Equivalence of English- and Thai-language measures was ensured using a well-established standard translation-backtranslation procedure. Australian students exhibited higher AVSI scores, whereas Thai students scored more highly on Psychological Wellbeing, as well as on Study Approach, Self-Efficacy Enhancement, Stress Reducing Actions, and Negative-Based Incentives. Nevertheless, our findings provide some evidence that Asian and Western learning style stereotypes may be breaking down in the modern digitally connected world.

Original languageEnglish
Article number109834
JournalPersonality and Individual Differences
Early online date6 Feb 2020
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2020


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