Continuous Improvement Cultural Responsiveness: Measurement tools

Bindi Bennett, Gawaian Bodkin-Andrews

Research output: Book/ReportOther reportResearch


It is vital that we acknowledge that this work was achieved through the meaningful contributions, time, energy, and knowledge of many people. The research was conducted over three separate and distinct phases. The first phase was the respectful consultation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders. Cultural yarning sessions were conducted whereby the stakeholders’ perspectives, knowledge, values, and understandings of cultural responsiveness were captured. This then informed the development of the tool’s seven domains (Ngurra's). The community consultation process evolved over a three-month period. This ensured maximum community participation, two-way consultation but also guaranteed community members the ability to choose to what extent they wished to contribute to the process. The team was particularly focused on gaining community feedback and direction about what they regarded as imperative learning for social workers to effectively demonstrate their culturally responsive social work practice with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Thirty different individuals who represented both themselves, their organisations and their communities were consulted across Australia, including two Torres Strait Islander
Original languageEnglish
PublisherUniversity of the Sunshine Coast
Number of pages25
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Externally publishedYes


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