Conditioning for Strength, Power, and Aerobic Fitness for Specialist Police Tactical Groups

Rob Marc Orr*, Robert G. Lockie, Elisa Fontenelle Dumans Canetti, Johnathan Black, Jeremy Robinson, J. Jay Dawes, Ben Schram

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review


Police officers serving in specialist Police Tactical Groups (PTG), including Special Weapons and Tactics teams, are called on to perform tasks in highly volatile and unpredictable situations beyond those of general duties police officers. In addition to carrying loads of 20–25 kg, these officers have, and require, levels of fitness above that of the civilian population, general duties police, and even elite athletes. Through the PTGs’ occupational lifespan, from initial selection to operational duties, candidates and serving officers require strength (both absolute and relative), power, and metabolic fitness (aerobic and anaerobic) to pass selection, mitigate injury, and perform occupational tasks. Given the complexities of conditioning these officers, including shift work and unpredictable job demands, a conjugate block periodization approach may be of value. Evidence suggests that a block periodization approach of 3 to 4 mesocycles, including an accumulation phase, a transmutation phase, a realization phase, and potentially a deloading or recovery phase may ensure an adequate training stimulus for these specialist officers. This is especially the case when supported by a dedicated and experienced strength and conditioning coach.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-7
Number of pages7
JournalStrength and Conditioning Journal
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 21 Mar 2024


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