Concluding Thoughts on Globalisation and the Contributions of Emeritus Professor John Hynes Farrar

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterResearchpeer-review


The diverse themes outlined in this book underscore the chimeric nature of globalisation. Attempts to understand its direction is an ongoing endeavour. The essays contributing to this book are a fitting tribute to a true scholar of globalisation and its legal aspects. New themes of globalisation are constantly emerging that challenge conventional wisdoms and moral standards at the heart of mercantilism. Welfare of the people (the young, the old, the first nations, the downtrodden), animals, and the natural environment are no longer optional themes. Rather, they are the very reasons that legitimise or de-legitimise new trends in globalisation. The modern corporation (the rolling stock of globalisation) is under new stressors and many governmental bodies are constrained to work with foreign actors and regulators to find new solutions to keep the wheels of globalisation running. Meanwhile, globalisation trends continue to emerge, presenting growing opportunities and new challenges.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationGlobalisation in Transition: Human and Economic Perspectives
EditorsUmair Ghori, Mary Hiscock, Louise Parsons, Casey Watters
Number of pages7
ISBN (Electronic)9789819924394
ISBN (Print)9789819994387
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jul 2023


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