Co+living Design: Participatory design simulation gamification for life-enhancing built environments in age-appropriate, inclusive and multi-generational co-living buildings without limitation

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Title listed in the journal: "Ageing in an unequal world Co+ Living design: participatory design simulation gamification for life-enhancing built environments in age-appropriate, inclusive and multi-generational co-living buildings without limitations"

This article reports on conducted research on co-design for multi-generational co-living architecture and development proposals for urban living as solution to deal with ageingpopulations that are spatially disconnected like in the Metropolitan Region Perth/Western Australia. A gamified scenario simulation, the ‘Co-living2 game’, has been invented to explore uses of spatial activity, ambiance and features of individuals anticipating to live together in a specific urban setting. The aim was to enable potential inhabitants to explore and to adjust their needs and desires within a potential future built environment,
using their contemplated daily activity patterns and qualitative considerations of
common areas, which transfer easily into the design process of a masterplan for Cohousing3 settlements. The results of the simulation survey includes the evaluation of programming priorities and concepts for the further urban and architectural development of Co-housing communities that enable age-appropriate, inclusive, multi-generational co-living buildings without limitations.


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