Co+1: Co-living Design Tool Kit

Joerg Baumeister, Daniela Ottmann

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportResearchpeer-review


This CO+ DESIGN Tool Kit can be used as a specific application of the H+ modular housing system for the design and planning of age-appropriate, universal design, mobility impaired, and co-housing aspects. Housing that is suitable for the elderly is also suitable for any and all age groups. Sustainable housing construction adapts to the individual life story, simply and efficiently: - suitable for elderly > suitable for any age- suitable for any age > suitable for whole life- suitable for whole life > adaptable and flexible (H+ modular housing).This report recommends an overall design philosophy for buildings without limitation to relief residents: with visual or hearing impairment, with motor (motion) restrictions, using mobility aids and wheelchairs, which are large or small, with cognitive impairments, who have age related mobility issues, who are still young (children), with prams or luggage. 
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPerth
PublisherThe Australian Urban Design Research Centre
Commissioning bodyGovernment of Western Australia Department of Communities Housing
Number of pages101
ISBN (Print)9780648371502
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jul 2018


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