Cloudy with a chance of crime: A long term forecast for serial bullies

Wayne A. Petherick, Yolande Huntingdon

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearch


The vast amount of literature on the subject of bullying victimisation has well-informed practitioners, educators and academics of the short and long term negative outcomes for victims.Of equal concern, however, are the abundant and profound long term deleterious outcomes for serial bullies. As such, the elevated risk of bullies developing psycho pathologies and antisocial behaviours into adulthood presents serious challenges for the criminal justice system due to the increased propensity to commit serious violent crimes and other offences. This paper will distill and systematically examine published literature in order to provide a criminological perspective of the serial bully thus highlighting the need for early identification, and improved interventions and treatments for these individuals.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationWorkplace, School and Cyber Bullying: No2Bullying Conference Book of Proceedings
EditorsC Axia
Place of PublicationNerang, Qld
PublisherAustralian and New Zealand Mental Health Association
Number of pages11
ISBN (Print)978-1-922232-01-4
Publication statusPublished - 2013
EventNo 2 Bullying Conference - Workplace, school and cyber bullying: Managing the impacts of Bullying: Prevention, policy and practice - Outrigger Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia
Duration: 22 May 201323 May 2013


ConferenceNo 2 Bullying Conference - Workplace, school and cyber bullying
CityGold Coast


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