Changes in fitness over an 11-week training program among firefighter trainees

BL Stone, Jay Dawes, JD Goatcher, Rob Marc Orr, Robert G. Lockie, B Alvar

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterResearchpeer-review

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Purpose: To determine baseline physical fitness characteristics and assess the effectiveness of an 11- week training program among firefighter recruits. Methods: Archived data for twenty-three (n=23, age 27.75 ± 3.64, ht: 178.5 + 6.9 cm, wt: 85.9 + 10.1 kg, BMI: 26.94 + 2.7) firefighter trainees were used for this analysis. This data included: age (yrs); height (cm); weight (kg), vertical jump eight, grip strength, upperbody strength (i.e. pull-ups), lower-body strength (3-RM hex-bar deadlift), and aerobic fitness (20-meter multistage fitness test). The training program consisted of three 1-hour physical training sessions per week (2 resistance training and 1 running aerobic session) in addition to their normal skill-specific training. Paired sample T-tests were used to determine if ignificant changes occurred over the 11 –weeks. Results: Significant changes from pre-to-post academy for body mass (-3%, p<0.001), BMI (-15.4%, p<0.001), pull-ups (24.5%, p<0.001), lower-body absolute strength (12.2%, p<0.001), lower body relative strength (14.8%, p<0.001), and 20MSFT (38.7%, p<0.001). Conclusion: Fitness can be improved during fire training academy with minimal equipment and specific fire ground training over an 11-week training academy.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 10 Jul 2019
Event42nd National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) National Conference and Exhibition - Washington Marriott Wardman Park, Washington DC, United States
Duration: 10 Jul 201913 Jul 2019


Conference42nd National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) National Conference and Exhibition
Abbreviated titleNSCA
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityWashington DC
OtherNational Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference National Strength and Conditioning Association National Conference. The NSCA advances the profession by supporting strength and conditioning professionals devoted to helping others discover and maximize their strengths. We disseminate research-based knowledge and its practical application by offering industry-leading certifications, research journals, career development services, and continuing education opportunities.


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