Case studies to enhance graduate employability: Competitive sports, athletes and employability

Shelley Kinash, Linda H Crane, Madelaine-Marie Judd, Cecily Knight, Matthew McLean, Kirsty Mitchell, David Dowling

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportResearchpeer-review

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This is one in a series of case studies to enhance graduate employability. The theme of this case study is:

• Competitive sport, athletes and employability

The aim of this case study is to present evidence that student participation in cocurricular activity, such as competitive sports, has the power to lift graduate employability. This case study addresses competitive sports, athletes and employability from two perspectives. First, it addresses sport organisations as graduate employers. As explained by one of the interviewees, there are ten sectors within the sports industry. Graduates can become employed in: 1) local government, 2) state government, 3) federal government, 4) international, 5) professional sporting organisations, 6) not-for-profit, 7) facilities, 8) equipment manufacturers, 9) retail companies (including shoe and clothing) and 10) media. While most of these sport industry roles require a university degree, employers tend not to restrict recruitment to sports management or other types of degrees specifically within the sports discipline. Employers tend to hire for a degree, personality, skills and experience that best fit with the profile of the role. For example, if hiring in a media role, recruiters are likely to hire graduates from Public Relations, Journalism or other such university programs. Employers stated openness to generalist degrees such as Humanities, Life Sciences, Performing Arts and Computer Science.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationSydney
PublisherAustralian Government Office for Learning and Teaching
Commissioning bodyAustralian Government Office for Learning and Teaching
Number of pages20
ISBN (Print)978-1-76028-327-8
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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