Carbachol-induced increases in spontaneous contractile activity are mediated through the M3- muscarinic receptor

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractResearch


It is understood that the urothelium (urothelium-suburothelium) influences the detrusor muscle, yet the extent is
uncertain. There is a possibility that abnormal activity of the urothelium can induce bladder dysfunctions such as
detrusor overactivity. Upon activation with carbachol, the frequency of urothelial spontaneous contractions is
increased. The aim of this study was to classify which receptor is activated by carbachol.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2010
Event2nd National Symposium on Advances in Urogenital and Gut Research - Robina, Australia
Duration: 3 Aug 2010 → …


Conference2nd National Symposium on Advances in Urogenital and Gut Research
Period3/08/10 → …


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