Can simulation foster resilience in medical students?

Natasha Yates, Eve Purdy, Shahina Braganza, Nemat Alsaba, Anne Spooner, Jane W Smith, Victoria A. Brazil

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentationResearch

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Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 3 Sept 2019
EventAustralasian Simulation Congress 2019 - Gold Coast, Australia
Duration: 2 Sept 20195 Sept 2019
Conference number: 3rd


ConferenceAustralasian Simulation Congress 2019
Abbreviated titleASC
CityGold Coast
OtherThe Simulation Australasia Board and 2019 Australasian Simulation Congress Organising Committee warmly invite you to join us at the Gold Coast Convention Centre for the 2019 Australasian Simulation Congress.

The 2019 Australasian Simulation Congress will explore the theme of Balance and Disruption.

The ASC took a break for 2018, but we are back bigger and better for ASC 2019 – mark September 2nd – 5th in your diary. Building on the success of the last Congress, and with the continued efforts of our marvellous volunteers, staff, Convenors and Board, and the extensive plans already in place, the 2019 Australasian Simulation Congress is shaping up to be an outstanding event!

To join us, we invite you to share your research, demonstrate your wares and connect with like-minded simulation developers and users around the world.
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