Can evidence-based medicine and clinical quality improvement learn from each other?

Paul Glasziou*, Greg Ogrinc, Steve Goodman

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Research output: Contribution to journalReview articleResearchpeer-review

98 Citations (Scopus)


The considerable gap between what we know from research and what is done in clinical practice is well known. Proposed responses include the Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) and Clinical Quality Improvement. EBM has focused more on 'doing the right things' - based on external research evidence - whereas Quality Improvement (QI) has focused more on 'doing things right' - based on local processes. However, these are complementary and in combination direct us how to 'do the right things right'. This article examines the differences and similarities in the two approaches and proposes that by integrating the bedside application, the methodological development and the training of these complementary disciplines both would gain.

Original languageEnglish
JournalBMJ Quality and Safety
Issue numberSUPPL. 1
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2011


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