BIM-based Operation and Maintenance Management System for Smart Industrial Parks — A Case Study in China

Xiaoyan Jiang, Kang Hu, Xinhua Zheng, Yong Liu, Bo Xia, Martin Skitmore

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterResearchpeer-review

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As the subsystem of a Smart City (SC), Smart Industrial Parks (SIP) not only improve industry-clustering ability and enhance economic strength but also facilitate social sustainable development. Although SIP construction has gained popularity globally, there are still various problems and flaws in their development and implementation. This chapter presents a case study of the Shanghai Qiantan SIP and proposes a framework and implementation plan for an operation and maintenance (O&M) management system based on building information modelling (BIM). This comprises six layers (i.e. portal layer, application layer, platform layer, data layer, model layer and facility layer) to attain SIP requirements and functions. The steps in O&M system development comprise demand research, plan implementation and BIM model building. The case study helps to develop a strategic view of SIP technology, particularly on how to expand the case database for the reference of future research.
**************The accepted manuscript of the chapter reproduced with permission.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication Innovative Production and Construction: Transforming Construction through Emerging Technologies
EditorsPeng Wu, Xiangyu Wang
PublisherWorld Scientific Publishing
Number of pages12
ISBN (Electronic)9789813272491
Publication statusPublished - 3 May 2019
Externally publishedYes


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