Better Management (Risk and Change) through NEC Contracts in Hong Kong

Chu Hoi Tung, Shoeb Ahmed Memon, Arshad Ali Javed

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer-review


Project delays, cost overruns, and disputes are becoming a norm for the construction industry in Hong Kong. Researchers argue that the inability of traditional contracts to manage risk and associated changes are perhaps the main points of contention. The Institution of Civil Engineers published a new
engineering contract (NEC), NEC4 Suite of Contracts in this to facilitate better risk management through collaborative culture in construction projects. NEC aims to increase the chances of project success thought its flexible nature of contracts, 'simple' and 'clearly written' documents and provision for the incentive by adopting a better management approach. This paper focuses on traditional and NEC contracts to compare risk management and change management aspects. Through literature review and preliminary interviews with three industry professionals, the paper is exploring how a change in traditional contracts can recuperate from disaster. Our interviewees in this work have extensive
experience in traditional as well as in NEC contracts. The results suggest a proactive risk management provisions in NEC contracts does make a difference to avoid later escalation of issues. Whereas, management of change helps streamline all identified issues through a structured process without going
in mediation or litigation. NEC, with its new approach to collaborative working, allows partners to be vigilant, yet gratifying in the project process.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 8 Dec 2020
Externally publishedYes
EventThe 8th International conference on construction engineering and project management 2020 - , Hong Kong
Duration: 7 Dec 20208 Dec 2020


ConferenceThe 8th International conference on construction engineering and project management 2020
Abbreviated titleICCEPM 2020
Country/TerritoryHong Kong
Internet address

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