Bedside Menu Ordering System increases energy and protein intake while decreasing plate waste and food costs in hospital patients

Sally McCray*, Kirsty Maunder, Rebecca Norris, Jessica Moir, Kristen MacKenzie-Shalders

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleResearchpeer-review

26 Citations (Scopus)


Malnutrition in the acute hospital setting is associated with
adverse clinical outcomes, increased mortality and morbidity,
increased hospital length of stay and increased costs [1e5]. Poor
nutritional intake is now recognized as an independent risk factor
for hospital mortality [4e6]. Meeting patients' nutritional requirements
in the healthcare setting can be difficult due to a range
of barriers including appetite, physical barriers, organizational
barriers, food choice and quality [6e11]. With one in three hospital
patients malnourished [3,4], it is imperative that hospitals continue
to explore strategies to improve nutritional intake [2] and
encourage patients to meet their nutritional requirements [1,10].
High food wastage in hospitals is associated with reduced
nutritional intakes [6,12,13] and can be influenced by a number of
factors including the foodservice model design and its flexibility
[12]. Although this wastage can occur in all points of the foodservice
process, the largest losses are often at the point of consumption,
referred to as plate waste [12]. Reasons for plate waste can
relate to various issues within the categories of clinical, food/menu,
service and environment [12]. Reasons within the food/menu and
service categories include menu choice (limited, lack of selective
menu) and ordering problems (insufficient information, ordering in
advance) [10,12]. High plate wastage also contributes to the cost of
foodservice models [12]. Foodservice models which can address
these issues and sources of waste have become a focus of foodservice
management [12,14].
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)66-71
Number of pages6
JournalClinical Nutrition ESPEN
Early online date10 May 2018
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2018


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