Associations Between Fitness Measures And Change Of Direction Speed With And Without Occupational Loads In Female Police Officers

Rob Marc Orr, Filip Kukić, Nenad Koropanovski, Aleksandar Cvorovic, Jay Dawes, Robert G. Lockie

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Aim: To determine relationships between fitness measures and change of direction speed in female police officers with and without occupational loads. Design: A retrospective cohort study. Method: Retrospective data were provided for 27 female police officers (age=32.19±5.09 yrs: height=162.78±5.01 cm: mass=71.31±13.42 kg) and included fitness measures of: power (standing long jump [SLJ]), muscle endurance (push-ups [PU, sit-ups [SU]), aerobic capacity (est. VO2max), and change of direction speed (CODS; Illinois agility test). The CODS test was performed without and with occupational load (10 kg load). Paired samples t-tests (between-load conditions) and Pearson’s correlations (relationships between measures) were performed. Results: CODS was significantly slower when loaded (unloaded=~23.17s: loaded=~24.14s, p<.001) with a strong, significant relationship between load conditions (r=.956, p<.001). Moderate-to-strong, significant 212 relationships were found between all fitness measures ranging from VO2max (r=-.448) to SU (r=-.673) in the unloaded condition, with the strength of these relationships increasing in the loaded condition. Conclusion: While unloaded agility performance was strongly associated with loaded performance, female police officer CODS was significantly reduced when carrying occupational loads. A variety of fitness measures that influence officer CODS performance become of increasing importance when occupational loads are carried. Key Practice Points: • Unloaded CODS performance (as measured by the Illinois agility test) can be used to gauge readiness to perform loaded CODS. • Lower-body power and trunk endurance become increasingly important when female police officers carry occupational loads, and must be considered when including occupational loads as part of return-to-work programming. Proposed impact, if any, on the health outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: The results of this research are likely to have no greater impact on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population above that of the non-Indigenous population
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 17 Oct 2019
EventTRANSFORM 2019 Physiotherapy Conference - Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, Australia
Duration: 17 Oct 201919 Oct 2019 (Book of Abstracts)


ConferenceTRANSFORM 2019 Physiotherapy Conference
Abbreviated titleAPA
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