An intelligent waste removal system for smarter communities

Qi Zhang, Hongyang Li*, Xin Wan, Martin Skitmore, Hailin Sun

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With the continuous progress of urbanization, the discharge of municipal solid waste has profoundly affected human production/living and social ecological health, and waste disposal has become one of the key issues all over the world. In the context of intelligent technology, this paper innovates the way of waste disposal according to the development direction of a smart city and the requirement of sustainable development strategy. An intelligent urban waste removal system is developed using a ROS (Route Operation System) robot operating system and RRT (Rapid Exploration of Random Trees) path planning algorithm. With a background of data management, the entire process of intelligent automatic waste removal is triggered by automatic communication from individual waste bins to a waste collection vehicle (WCV) where the bin needs to be emptied, and the automatic collection and transportation by the WCV in response. In combination with the IoT (Internet of Things), the system provides scientific data support for the intelligent layout of communities and even urban waste bins to greatly enhance the development of intelligence communities and smart cities.

Original languageEnglish
Article number6829
JournalSustainability (Switzerland)
Issue number17
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2020
Externally publishedYes


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