Alzheimer’s Disease: Identifying High Impact Variables Using Statistical Techniques

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Poster presentation at Research Week 2019 - Business Links: the Science of Business and Ethics

Alzheimer’s is considered the most common neurodegenerative disorder of the brain and is a major cause of disabilities in the later stages of life and responsible for huge global costs. Alzheimer’s is usually diagnosed late. By that time, the disease’s deterioration process had already started, and substantial brain tissue damage had resulted in noticeable cognitive deficit and other symptoms had also appeared.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - 15 Oct 2019
EventBond Research Week 2019 - Bond University, Robina, Australia
Duration: 14 Oct 201918 Nov 2019
Conference number: 8th


SeminarBond Research Week 2019
OtherThe eighth annual Research Week, was held between 14-18 October 2019, and showcased the innovative research underway across its Research Centres and groups in a series of symposiums, workshops and events which were open to the public and free to attend


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