Addendum: Social processes of transformational and charismatic leadership - progress and future research into this important challenge

Kenneth Parry

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterResearchpeer-review


The aim of the original chapter was to validate the use of grounded theory research to study transformational and charismatic leadership as social processes.  This chapter has achieved only some of its aims over the last decade.

There has been continued and expanded use of the grounded theory method within leadership research. Grounded theory leadership research has increased threefold since 2002, by comparison with the previous ten years (Google scholar, 2012). By comparison, "leadership" research, the control group if you will, has increased only twofold over the same time-period. Thus, it appears that the use of the grounded theory method in leadership research has increased, but the increase is only slight. To be fair, most of the publications since 2002 are Ph.D. theses, while some are books, and much of the research is in healthcare and education. This means that people are researching leadership using the grounded theory method. This is good news as far as I am concerned. However, they are not yet publishing this work in refereed journals. Certainly, not much of it is in business and management publications. I am suggesting that even though grounded theory research is labor-intensive, the publication of grounded theory research into leadership seems to be even more difficult than the research itself. Nonetheless, it is still immensely relevant to our understanding of transformational and charismatic leadership. There have been several published works since 2002. Three are by me (Kan & Parry, 2004; Kempster & Parry, 2011; Rowland & Parry, 2009). Two others are in the Journal of College Student Development (Komives, Longerbeam, Owen, Mainella, & Osteen, 2006; Komives, Owen, Longerbeam, Mainella, & Osteen, 2005). Xiao, Seagull, Mackenzie, and Klein (2004) have published in Cognition, Technology & Work. Lakshman (2007) has published in Leadership & Organization Development Journal. Eich (2008) has published in the Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTransformational and charismatic leadership: The road ahead 10th anniversary edition
EditorsB J Avolio, F J Yammarino
Place of PublicationBingley, United Kingdom
PublisherEmerald Group Publishing Ltd.
Number of pages4
ISBN (Print)9781781905999
Publication statusPublished - 2013

Publication series

NameMonographs in Leadership and Management
ISSN (Print)1479-3571


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