A perfect day in Vanuatu: exploring visitor experiences

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionResearchpeer-review


Using a model of well being from psychology, this study examined descriptions of a perfect day in Vanuatu of a cohort of international adventure tourists during their holiday visit to this island destination. It was found that positive interactions with the locals, interest and fascination with the natural environment and participation in meaningful activities characterised by risk, danger and adrenaline were part of the perfect day descriptions; the descriptions shed light on the psychological value of the Vanuatu experience for these adventure tourists. The results are largely in agreement with previous adventure tourism studies. Methodological and theoretical implications are highlighted for researchers.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCAUTHE 2014: Tourism and Hospitality in the Contemporary World: Trends, Changes and Complexity
PublisherUniversity of Queensland
Number of pages4
ISBN (Print)9780987050755
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Externally publishedYes
EventCAUTH 2014 (Council for Australian Tourism and Hospitality Education) Conference - University Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Duration: 10 Feb 201413 Feb 2014


ConferenceCAUTH 2014 (Council for Australian Tourism and Hospitality Education) Conference
Abbreviated titleCAUTH 2014
OtherCAUTHE 2014 was hosted by The University of Queensland Business School in the Sofitel Hotel, Brisbane. The conference was attended by around 280 delegates. Around 60 full and 110 working papers and 20 posters were accepted and presented. Approximately 96 reviewers provided comments on the papers.

Three keynote speakers gave stimulating and interesting talks on different aspects of tourism in the contemporary world. Dr. Rifai, Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), highlighted the size and potential of the tourism sector along with key issues to be addressed. Prof. Stefan Gössling examined the effects of climate change and challenges facing the sector. Professor Ulrike Gretzel looked at the opportunities for ‘Big Data’ in the tourism sector.

A highlight of the conference, the Great Debate moderated by Prof. Larry Dwyer, was entertaining as ever. The topic for the debate was Tourism/Hospitality Down Under Fails to Address the Contemporary World-neglecting Trends, Changes and Complexity. The social activities included a networking reception, welcome cocktail reception at the historic Customs House, and the gala dinner in the Sofitel Ballroom. The gala dinner themed in the style of the 70s was a great success.

The sponsors of the conference were Queensland Tourism Industry Council (Daniel Gschwind), Setting the Standard OLT project (Dr Paul Whitelaw), CABi, ChannelView (Sarah Williams), Cognizant Communications, Centium Software, Routledge and The University of Queensland.
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