The Impact of Emergent Technologies Upon the Teaching of Core Law Units in the Australian Law Curriculum

Project: Research

Project Details


The challenge confronting Australian law schools is the fact that many of the legal academics responsible for teaching the core law units lack the time, resources and expertise to identify and evaluate the impact of emergent technologies upon the law curriculum. The objective of this Project is to assist Australian law schools to address this challenge.

Project Aims

The Project will investigate the impact of emergent technologies upon the teaching of the core law units in the Australian law curriculum. The Project Leadership Team will settle the overall research questions and method, and identify the categories of emergent technologies. Legal scholars from a variety of Australian law schools will then be invited to conduct multiple ‘Micro-Projects’ to identify the impact of each category of emergent technology upon each P11 area of knowledge.
Effective start/end date2/01/17 → …


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