Promoting a Strategic Approach to EU Sports Diplomacy

  • Murray, Stuart (Partner Investigator)
  • Parish, Richard (Project Lead)
  • Sonntag, Albrecht (Partner Investigator)

Project: Consultancy

Project Details


Scientific Advisor on Project:
Goal: Our project will help the EU adopt a strategic approach to sport diplomacy and provide evidence of instances where sport can help amplify key EU diplomatic messages and help forge better diplomatic relations with third countries. For example, the project examines how sport diplomacy projects in third states can, amongst other things, play a role in: combating violence, racism, discrimination and intolerance; encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport; improve good governance in sport; encourage participation in sport and promote voluntary activity in sport. In turn, these initiatives can help promote the image of the EU in third states and therefore help the EU secure external relations objectives.

Project Aims

Goal: Our project will help the EU adopt a strategic approach to sport diplomacy and provide evidence of instances where sport can help amplify key EU diplomatic messages and help forge better diplomatic relations with third countries.
Effective start/end date1/01/1931/12/20


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