Optimising early end-of-life conversations and advance care planning in general practice: (Stage 1)

  • Cardona, Magnolia (Project Roles)
  • Williamson, Margaret (Associate Investigator)
  • Gullotta, John (Associate Investigator)
  • Lindner, Robyn (Associate Investigator)
  • Ni Chroinin, Danielle (Associate Investigator)
  • Hillman, Kenneth (Associate Investigator)
  • Jones, Mark (Associate Professor)
  • Lewis, Ebony T. (Senior Research Assistant)
  • Morgan, Mark (Associate Professor)

Project: Research

Project Details


This study funded by a $82,000 grant from HCF Foundation uses four years of data from the existing MedicineInsight dataset collected by National Prescribing Service MedicineWise from >500 general practices across 7 Australian States to increase awareness of the indicators of high risk of death among older patients, and encourage honest discussions about options for care.

Project Aims

1) Better understand which patients consulting general practitioners are near EOL whether or not they or their doctors know it; and
2) Assess whether information is available within the dataset about end of life discussions, advance care planning and health care directives.

Key findings

Manuscript recently submitted
Short titleACP in GP
Effective start/end date1/02/1831/07/19


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