Nutrition Research for Digestive Health

  • Marshall, Skye (Project Lead)
  • Crichton, Megan (HDR Student)
  • Campbell, Katrina (Partner Investigator)
  • Lohning, Anna (Partner Investigator)
  • Marx, Wolfgang (Project Roles)
  • Van der Meij, Barbara (Partner Investigator)
  • Angus, Rebecca (Project Roles)
  • Canavan, Russell (Project Roles)
  • Utter, Jennifer (Associate Investigator)
  • Tang, Xueying (Associate Investigator)

Project: Research

Project Details


Through collaborations with the Queensland Health Service, BUND RG has a strength in generating and translating evidence to inform nutrition and dietetic practice to improve the management of digestive diseases and optimise digestive health.

Currently active projects

The GINGer And the GUT microbiota (GINGA GUT) Study
Chief investigator: Prof Liz Isenring, Bond University
Co-investigators: Megan Crichton (PhD Scholar, APD), Assistant Professor Skye Marshall (PhD, APD), Dr Wolfgang Marx (APD, PhD), A/Prof Anna Lohning.
Research aim: To assess the effect of a standardised ginger (Zingiber officinale) root powder supplementation on the beta diversity of gastrointestinal microbiota and related outcomes (bowel habits, depression, anxiety, stress, fatigue, quality of life, adverse events) compared to placebo in health adults aged 18 - 30 years.
Research setting: Community.
Registration: ACTRN12620000302954p

The effect of ginger on human health: an umbrella review
Chief investigator: Megan Crichton (PhD Scholar, APD)
Co-investigators: Assistant Professor Skye Marshall (PhD, APD), Dr Wolfgang Marx (APD, PhD), A/Prof Anna Lohning, Prof Liz Isenring (PhD, AdvAPD), Ali Davidson (PhD Scholar, APD), Celia Innerarity (APD).
Research aim: To synthesise the highest quality evidence available to evaluate the effect of ginger (Zingiber officinale) on any pathophysiological process or health condition in vivo, in vitro, and in silico.
Registration: PROSPERO (pending)

Post-operative nutrition care after liver transplant – initiation of nutrition and outcomes in obese vs non-obese patients.
Chief investigator: Tahnie Takefala
Co-investigators: Dr Ingrid Hickman, Dr Graeme Macdonald, Dr Hannah Mayr, Dr Ra’eesa Doola,Azmat Ali Collaborating institutions: Princess Alexandra Hospital, University of Queensland, Bond University 
Research aim: 1.     Audit the current practice regarding initiation of nutrition and diet upgrade in patients after liver transplant surgery; 2.     Investigate the relationship between initiation of nutrition and diet upgrade with rate of infectious complications, LOS and readmission rate up to 30 days post-liver transplant; 3.     Explore clinicians’ perceptions and practices regarding initiation of nutrition after liver transplant to identify existing barriers/facilitators to initiating nutrition after transplant.
Setting: Queensland Liver Transplant Service and Integrated Care Unit, Princess Alexandra Hospital 

Sarcopenia and frailty in potential Liver transplant recipients (PhD Project).
Chief investigator: Heidi Johnston (PhD candidate)
Co-investigators: Dr Ingrid Hickman, Dr Graeme Macdonald, Dr Hannah MayrCollaborating institutions: Princess Alexandra Hospital, University of Queensland, Bond University Research aim: 1.     To assess the feasibility, acceptability and value of measuring and reporting on sarcopenia and frailty for potential liver transplant candidates of the QLTS. 2.    To determine the prevalence of sarcopenia and frailty and assess pre-transplant dietary intake in potential liver transplant recipients and investigate the relationship of these clinical outcomes. 3.     To compare the different diagnostic methods that are used to assess sarcopenia to determine if individually they are more predictive of unplanned hospital admissions, or rate of infections from those unplanned admissions. 
Setting: Queensland, Liver Transplant Service, Princess Alexandra Hospital.

Effective start/end date1/01/14 → …


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