Activities per year
- 32 results
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A preliminary work-based study of hypertronic testing and landing mechanisms of adolescent female athletes in Queensland.
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
Aug 2022Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
Investigating the Effectiveness of Cycloid Vibration Therapy on the Quality of Life, Mobility and Nutrition of Aged Care Residents
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
Jul 2021Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
The Effects of an Educational Intervention on Exercise Advice Behaviours of Thai Oncology Nurses
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
Jun 2021Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
Investigating the effectiveness of a structured low-impact activity program on mobility, nutrition and quality of life in aged care residents: A pragmatic, non-randomised controlled pilot trial
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
Jan 2021Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
Exercise and Nutrition for Skeletal Health in Prostate Cancer
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
2020Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
A Biomechanical Analysis of Running Load in Professional Rugby League
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
Sept 2020Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
The effect of time efficient high intensity plyometric training on physical performance in youth athletes
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
May 2020Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
An investigation into the impact of coaching strategies with respect to physical and performance characteristics of male youth of varying biological maturation
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
May 2019 → …Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
Adaptations and acute physiological effects of various resistance training programs in adolescent and elite athletes
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
2018Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
Can including a ballistic intervention in the warm up provide track cyclists with faster performances over 500m?
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
Nov 2018 → …Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
The Optimal Load to Maximise System Power During a Countermovement Jump
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
2017Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
The role of turning performance and its associated mechanical and physical attributes to 50m freestyle swim performance
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
2017Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
Ascertaining the 'optimal' loads for elite athletes to maximise the transfer of training effect for individualised sports specific performance
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
2017Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
Manipulating a Conditioning Activity to Enhance Potentiation and its Application to Jumping and Sprinting Performance
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
2017Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
The Effect of Exercise Order on Same Day Concurrent Training: Implications for the Development of Maximal Strength, Power, Force and Changes in Body Composition in Recreationally Trained Men Following 5 weeks of a Concurrent Versus Resistance-Only Training Program
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
2017Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
Biomechanical analysis and training adaptations of different lunges protocols
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
2017Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
Using the Repetitions in Reserve-based Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale to Autoregulate Powerlifting Training
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
2017Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
An Analysis of High-Bar and Low-Bar Back-Squat Techniques in Olympic Weightlifters and Powerlifters
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
2016Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
A constraints-led approach to acquiring the power clean
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
2016Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
Reducing biomechanical risk factors associated with injury during landing and improving performance in 11-13 year old netball athletes
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
2016Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
Cardiovascular health and physical activity in prostate cancer survivors compared to non-cancer age matched controls
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
2016Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
Identifying the Physical Fitness, Anthropometric and Athletic Movement Qualities Discriminant of Developmental Level in Elite Junior Australian Football
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
2016Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
The acute effects of eccentric exercise on indicators of hamstring muscle damage
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
2016Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
Movement Variability Differences Between Skilled and Novice Golfers in the Putting Stroke
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
2016Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
Inertia flywheel resistance and its applications for post-activation performance enhancement
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
8 Aug 2022Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
Investigation into the neuromuscular mechanisms of resistance priming
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
31 Oct 2022Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
Can a modified, low-risk form of boxing achieve significant community uptake?
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
30 Apr 2019 → …Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
A kinematic and kinetic comparison of the conventional and deficit deadlift using sub-maximal loads in strength trained individuals
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
30 Apr 2019Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
Adaptations and acute physiological effects of various resistance training programs in adolescent and elite athletes
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
3 May 2018 → …Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
Velocity-based training: Monitoring, implementation and effects on strength ad power
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
25 Jul 2018 → …Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
Integrated cognitive endurance training to improve physical performance in an endurance test: A pilot study
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
22 May 2019 → …Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination
The effects of a six-week ballistic and Plyometric Training Programme on female golfers’ drive performance and neuromuscular characteristics
Justin Keogh (Examiner)
10 Apr 2018 → …Activity: Examination › Thesis Examination