New RACGP guide for doctors and patients to avoid low value or harmful care

Press/Media: Expert Comment


First Do No Harm - A guide for choosing wisely in general practice was launched at the RACGP annual conference. Prof Mark Morgan and Dr Michael Tam were co-chairs for the guide.


Communicating about low value care

Imaging in acute low back pain, vitamin C infusions, vitamin D tests, treating subclinical hypothyroidism and testing MTHFR genes.

Period25 Nov 2022

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleA new guide for GPs and patients to help avoid low value care
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media name/outletNBN Nine Evening News
    Media typeTelevision
    DescriptionFirst Do No Harm- A guide for choosing wisely in general practice was launched at the RACGP annual conference. This news article describes 4 of the initial guides relating to imaging in acute low back pain, thyroid testing, vitamin D testing and vitamin C infusions.
    Producer/AuthorNine News
    PersonsMark Morgan