National stroke report a call for action

Press/Media: Expert Comment


With the billion-dollar impact of stroke uncovered, and rates predicted to rise, experts are calling for urgent investment into prevention.



Preventive health

Health system funding

Primary Care

Period11 Oct 2024

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleNational stroke report a call for action
    Degree of recognitionNational
    Media name/outletNewsGP
    Media typeWeb
    DescriptionWith the billion-dollar impact of stroke uncovered, and rates predicted to rise, experts are calling for urgent investment into prevention...
    Professor Mark Morgan, Chair of RACGP Expert Committee – Quality Care, said the report adds weight to the RACGP’s advocacy for the health system to ‘take prevention seriously’.

    ‘This research is a salient reminder for GPs of the devastating impact of stroke on individuals,’ he told newsGP.

    ‘A good start would be to invest in patient rebates for regular comprehensive health assessments at all ages, rather than just once in middle age and every year from the age of 75.

    ‘These “birthday” health assessments would provide funding for the persons regular GP and their teams to apply all the screening, case finding and preventive recommendations from the Red Book.’...

    Professor Morgan said for GPs, there are important roles to help reduce the impacts of stroke.

    ‘GPs can train their staff to appreciate the urgency of a “brain attack” to reduce delays in assessment and treatment,’ he said.

    ‘Practice Incentive Program data suggests only half of regular patients in the eligible population, now 45–79-year-olds, have recorded risk factors of diabetes status, smoking status, cholesterol, and blood pressure.

    ‘Computer decision support programs can identify people at high risk who would benefit from increased preventive treatments and monitoring.’

    Professor Morgan added that GPs can also help to arrange ongoing rehabilitation and reducing risk factors in people who have already had a stroke.
    Producer/AuthorMorgan Liotta
    PersonsMark Morgan