Mercedes-Benz’s legal win over car dealers could transform the way new cars are sold in Australia

Press/Media: Research


In what has been called the most important legal case in the history of the Australian automotive industry, the Federal Court has rejected a $650 million compensation claim against Mercedes-Benz for replacing its traditional dealership model with a fixed-price, direct-to-customer agency model.

Period31 Aug 2023 → 4 Sept 2023

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  • TitleMercedes-Benz legal win over car dealers could change the way cars are sold in Australia
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletThe Conversation Australia/New Zealand
    Media typeWeb
    DescriptionIt was dubbed "the most important legal case in the history of the Australian automotive industry". The landmark verdict in the $650 million #mercedesbenz lawsuit has been handed down. And it could have far-reaching implications for the #automotiveindustry, #consumers and the future of Australian #franchising. Here are the key takeaways: what this means for the industry, Mercedes, their dealerships and consumers.
    Producer/AuthorVishal Mehrotra, Rajat Roy
    PersonsVishal Mehrotra