Virtual reality use for acute pain and anxiety management for paediatrics with a neurological condition: a mixed methods scoping review.

  • Rebekah Hill (Student )
  • Chiara Mosley (Supervisor)
  • Gough, S. (Supervisor)

Activity: Professional Development, Mentorship, Supervision and Other ActivitiesNon-HDR Student Supervision


The purpose of this scoping review is to explore the most current literature that examines the use of virtual reality gaming and exergaming-based interventions for acute pain and anxiety during paediatric neurological rehabilitation. Additionally, this review aims to identify the challenges and barriers associated with the inclusion of virtual reality in healthcare, and to provide further direction and recommendations toward future research

Additional information

Doctor of Physiotherapy: Evidence-Based Practice 1 & 2
PeriodSept 2021Mar 2022
Degree of RecognitionInternational