Knowing your AQFs and SLOs

Activity: Professional Development, Mentorship, Supervision and Other ActivitiesInternal Professional Development


Understanding the AQFs and TEQSA guidelines for subject reviews.

Additional information

This session explores how we need to review and differentiate undergraduate and postgraduate subjects through clear and distinct:

• Descriptions
• Learning outcomes
• Assessments
• iLearn sites

In the main, we meet the Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency (TEQSA) Threshold Standards. However, we have received updated TEQSA guidance in relation to their updated expectations, and we will share these with you. We are required to review these as part of next year’s curriculum review and the Provost has instructed that we develop strategies and knowledge this year to ensure we are operating above expectations into the future.
Period8 Nov 2023
Held atFaculty of Society & Design
Degree of RecognitionInternal