Influence of Virtual Reality on Claustrophobia, Anxiety, Fear and Pain in Children Undergoing Medical Investigations: A Mixed Methods Systematic Review

  • Navreen Sidhu (Student )
  • Adrian Goldsworthy (Supervisor)
  • Birt, J. (Supervisor)
  • Gough, S. (Supervisor)

Activity: Professional Development, Mentorship, Supervision and Other ActivitiesNon-HDR Student Supervision


This review aims to explore evidence surrounding the current use and impact of immersive virtual reality systems on claustrophobia, procedural anxiety, pain, and medication usage in paediatric patients undergoing medical investigations.
Primary Questions:
1:What is the influence of virtual reality on the use of analgesics, sedatives, anaesthetics, or restraints to manage pain or anxiety during paediatric medical investigations?
2:What is the influence of virtual reality on provider, patient, and caregiver perceptions of claustrophobia, anxiety, or fear during paediatric medical investigations?
Secondary Questions:
3:Which hospital environments are using virtual reality for the management of paediatric patients undergoing medical investigations?
4:Whichpaediatric groups have been excluded from research pertaining to the use of virtual reality when undergoing medical investigations?
5:What types of virtual reality are being implemented (immersive vs non-immersive)?
6:What are the adverse effects of implementing virtual reality in paediatric patients undergoing medical investigations and what is the severity of these adverse reactions during investigative procedures?
7:What are the challenges and barriers of implementing the use of virtual reality in paediatric patients undergoing medical investigations?

Additional information

Doctor of Physiotherapy: Evidence-Based Practice 1 & 2
PeriodSept 2021Mar 2022
Degree of RecognitionInternational