Industry Reference Group Committee Member ACS Queensland Government ICT Gateway to Industry Schools Program

Activity: Consultancy


The Gateway to Industry Schools program (GISP) for ICT is the Queensland Government's key industry-school engagement strategy and is a component of a state-wide industry engagement and workforce development strategy to support the long-term development of a highly skilled workforce in Queensland.
ICT GISP Program is an initiative by the Queensland Government and managed by the Australian Computer Society (ACS). The ICT GISP provides opportunities for industry and the education sector to work together to deliver outcomes for students, local communities and businesses.

It aims to provide education and career opportunities for school students, a point of difference and relevance for schools in their local communities and an avenue for industries to meet future workforce requirements by increasing the number of students choosing a pathway into their industry sector.

Engagement strategies with schools provide industries and businesses with a range of benefits and opportunities. Engagement strategies allow industry to:
1. Promote and facilitate partnerships between industry groups, businesses and schools.
2. Gain access to youth that are not only skilled and motivated to join their workforce, but have also made informed choices about their careers and study options.
3. Lift the profile and understanding of industry and raises awareness of career opportunities and pathways.
4. Incorporate contemporary industry related curriculum and learning resources into schools.
5. Create training, education and employment pathways for school students tied to industry-based employment and career opportunities.
6. Address specific industry skills shortages through the development of direct pathways from schools to further education or work.

Additional information

Purpose Statement: The role of the Industry Reference Group (IRG) for ICT Gateway to Industry Schools program (GISP) is to act as an advisory group, informing the ICT GISP and its Project Manager to successfully engage schools, industry, employers, education and training stakeholders and government. The function of the ICT GISP is to build partnerships between schools and industry providing opportunities for Queensland school students to be exposed to a range of learning experiences to assist them in their career choices and pathways to employment into the ICT sector.

Objectives: The objectives of the ICT GISP Industry Reference Group are:
▪ To serve as advisory group to exchange ideas, provide strategic advice and direction to the ICT GISP to build partnerships, network and collaboration between schools and industry
▪ Provide specialist industry, government and education expertise for proactive planning solutions that contribute to schools and industry partnerships across the ICT sector, and to consider and develop a pathway into a rewarding ICT career.
▪ Provide strategic direction on the impact of social and market trends on ICT industries and develop initiatives which address the broader career and post-school pathways in ICT, in all regions of Queensland
▪ Provide strategic advice to support an increase in participation in Digital Solutions and Applied Technology subjects in Queensland secondary schools, encouraging post-school pathways
▪ Review project activity of the ICT GISP, provide feedback and advise to the ICT GISP Project Manager and ACS, and contribute industry knowledge to review outcomes as needed
▪ Contribute to framework, approach and implementation plan for Vocational Pathways Program
▪ Contribute to framework, approach and implementation plan for a Schools to Industry immersive work experience program
▪ Contribute to framework, approach and implementation plan for an Educators to Industry immersive professional development.
PeriodJun 2020Jun 2022
Work forAustralian Computer Society, Australia, New South Wales
Degree of RecognitionNational